23 de septiembre de 2019
El Gaitero Group ciders are back to conquer Japan

El Gaitero Group ciders are highly acclaimed around the world, and on this occasion the good news comes from Japan.
The country recently held another edition of the Japanese Cider Awards that each year acknowledge the worlds finest ciders, which naturally include some of the Asturias-based business group’s hallmark brands.
The expert judges at this prestigious event were particularly impressed by the characteristics of three of its ciders:
El Gaitero Classic Cider received the highest possible rating – three stars – in the “Medium” category for ciders produced outside Japan in bottles of more than 500 ml. This is the firm’s first product and one of its most iconic: a sparkling semi-dry cider made using traditional methods, which is highly aromatic and Spain’s top-selling cider.
Gaitero Spanish Cider 100% Apple, also received the maximum three star rating in the “Medium” category for ciders produced outside Japan in bottles of more than 500 ml. This is a modern cider both in format and content, crafted to suit contemporary tastes.
Gaitero Spanish Cider Red Grape received a two star rating (no product received three stars) in the “Flavour” category for ciders made outside Japan. It contains the same cider as the 100% Apple version, although it is carefully blended with tempranillo grape must which, apart from a characteristic red colour, also reduces the alcohol content (just 4º).
Last year, both our 100% Apple and Red Grape received two awards. Find out more here: Our ciders receive awards in Japan!