25 de julio de 2019
Official presentation of the 24th edition of El Gaitero Regatta

The twenty-fourth edition of El Gaitero Regatta got underway with the official presentation of this prestigious event, which attracts the very best of the northern Spain fleet. “El Gaitero Regatta is the biggest summer sailing event in Gijón and the North of Spain”, explained Ángela Pumariega during the press conference held to mark the official presentation on 24th July.
Forty-five boats and more than 350 crew members from the Basque Country, Cantabria, Asturias and the South of France will be competing in this latest edition, organised by the Royal Astur Yacht Club and El Gaitero. The Regatta consists of four legs, spread over four days, with two off-shore routes that complete a regatta of more than 150 nautical miles.
Between 30th July and 4th August, the competitors will sail between Getxo and Santander (a distance of 40 miles); Santander and Gijón, considered to be the greatest challenge, not just for the 90 mile voyage, but also because it includes night sailing. Once in Gijón, two windward-leeward courses will be completed over the weekend in an area of some 15 miles in San Lorenzo Bay.